Dr’s Troy Counselman and Daron Stegall have owned 15 practices over the last 16 years and for many of those years maintained a full-time income as absentee owners. The have both recently opened new “concept” type practices in order to maintain their adjusting skills, continue to help their local communities, and remain up-to-date on everything related to the current business environment of chiropractic.
During this time they have also consulted with hundreds of clinics and have written and published two best-selling books (along with and many published reports and articles) on the business of chiropractic, including their first book Success for the New Chiropractor followed by Ultra Success in the Business of Chiropractic which earned an unheard of 11/10 rating from the reviewers at Dynamic Chiropractic. Recently they have completed and released a brand new report titled “The 2-Day Chiropractic Workweek” which can be found on Amazon or obtained free on this site by opting in to the weekly practice success newsletter.

They also released the most complete and innovative marketing and business building tool in the field of chiropractic. It is called
Patients to Profits – The Complete Chiropractic Success System
found at PatientsToProfits.com
They also have released various products that focus on one particular aspect of practice. You can find their full list of products here.