When it comes to creating a Facebook ad, there are really only 3 elements that you need to consider.

1) A title

2) An image

3) The body text

Check out this short list of Facebook Ads Optimization tips that will help ensure you are creating the best ad possible to stimulate your targeted audience to take action and click through to learn more.Consider asking a question in the title or in the body. This tends to make the ad a little more engaging for those that are targeted.

Avoid using words or abbreviations that potential customers who are unfamiliar with chiropractic will not understand. Do not use medical terminology and even be careful with words that you may think are understood by everyone such as ‘spasm;’ use tension instead.

Make sure your message is clear. Have someone who is not in your industry such as a friend or spouse read your ad for clarity if there is any question on whether or not a lay person might understand it.

Use images that the potential patient can identify with. If your ad is targeting headache sufferers, then show someone that obviously has a headache in your image.

Show an image of someone receiving your service as long as it is not intimidating or confusing. For example if you show someone getting a cervical adjustment, it may not appeal to everyone. However, if you offer massage as well, then you might show a person getting a massage as that will appeal to most people.

Add a specific call to action in the ad’s body text. Something like “Call now for quick relief” or some type of special discount if they ‘act now’ tends to work better than generic calls to action like “learn more.”

If you’re referencing a promotion in your ad increase the call-to-action effect by putting an ‘end date’ in the ad. This will help create a sense of urgency and encourage potential customers to act sooner.

The above guidelines will help drive more engagement from consumers; however, no ad is perfect and you should always be testing to see if a different title or slight alteration in the body or different graphic will have an impact on how many people click through to find out more.
Your ad campaign should be an ever evolving process by where you are always sharing new content to spark action into different members of your local target community. For example, one person will respond to a ‘gentle and effective method of relieving headaches’ while another will be able to relate to a chiropractic ad about ‘a specialized procedure to help relieve low back pain.’

As you create several chiropractic facebook ads, you will notice that some will perform better than others when reviewing the reports in the ‘Ads Manager’ section of your Facebook account. Those that underperform can be paused and then altered slightly and restarted while those that perform the best can be kept going until they inevitably start to lose effectiveness at which point they too should be refreshed to maintain their high performance.

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