The Most Common New Doctor Mistake

As a chiropractor for 20 years I can tell you that chiropractic will never cease to amaze you and it will never get old. Nevertheless, many new doctors sell themselves, their service and the [...]

How to Stop Reactivating Patients

Patients are going to come and go. Period. But it makes sense that a patient that has been in within the last 2 weeks is more likely to return than a patient who has not been in for 30 days. And [...]


Temptation is roughly defined as anything that “promises” satisfaction. At first thought you may wonder how Temptation could possibly be associated with your chiropractic office. However you [...]

How to be a Happy Chiropractor

Life can be a challenge. And, in my opinion, especially for a chiropractor. After all we are coupling a passion to spread the real message about ‘how to be healthy’ to a population [...]

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